Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Our Fall Read-a-Thon!!

Our read-a-thon is awesome! This morning we were able to use our Ipads to listen to and read stories.

Mystery Reader Revealed

Mrs. Schermann
We heard A Turkey for Thanksgiving by Eve Bunting. A great story to practice wondering and questioning. Thank you Mrs. Schermann!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Last Mystery Reader Clue...

1.  I love to run and recently finished my first 5K.
2. My favorite movie is the Wizard of Oz.
3. I'm learning to play the guitar.

Who could it be???? You'll have to come to school tomorrow to find out!

November Mystery Reader

Our November Mystery Reader will be here tomorrow! Here are the first 2 clues:

I love running and have completed my first 5K.
My favorite movie is the "Wizard of Oz."

Turkey Facts and Opinions

Differentiating between facts and opinions can be tricky, but not when we're talking about turkeys! Ask your child the difference between a fact and an opinion. It is a fact that, "I love ice cream." It is an opinion that ice cream is the best food on earth.

Another Birthday Celebration!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Don't Forget...

Skating permission slips and money are due tomorrow, Friday, November 16.

Let's Celebrate With a Read-a-Thon!!


We have been practicing our “stamina” in reading class. We are able to read for at least 45 minutes. It is exciting to see such voracious readers!! We are also proud of ourselves for practicing our reading at home. Everyone met their reading goal for the months of September and October.

We want to celebrate our accomplishments by having a Read-In on Wednesday, November 21.  It is a time to kick back and enjoy the written word.  The kids may bring a sleeping bag (or blanket), pillow and treat to enjoy during their reading time.  They should also bring plenty of reading material. All drinks should be decaffeinated and have a cap that can close.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Way to Go Room 2!

Congratulations Room 2 on a great job showing safety, respect, and responsibility during the month of November! Keep up the great work.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fall Celebration

We took some time this afternoon to enjoy some special treats, games, and conversation with our friends. :-)