Thursday, February 28, 2013

Book Fair

Book fair shopping will be Tuesday, March 5. This will be the ONLY time students will be allowed to purchase books during the school day. We will show a video about the book fair instead of having a browsing day.

Panther Pride and Education Days

Panther Pride Days will be March 1, 15, 27, April 12, 26, and May 10. To promote education after high school, we will have Education Days. Staff and studnets are encouraged to wear their favorite college or university attiure. Education days will be March 8 and 22,  April 5 and 26, and May 3 and 17.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Reading Marathon - Thursday

We have been practicing our “stamina” in reading class. We are able to read for at least 45 minutes. It is exciting to see such voracious readers!! We are also proud of ourselves for practicing our reading at home. Ninety-two percent of the students in our class met their reading goal for November, December, and January.

We want to celebrate our accomplishments by ending I Love to Read month with a read-a-thon on Thursday, February 28.  It is a time to kick back and enjoy the written word.  The kids may bring a clean sleeping bag or blanket, pillow and treat to enjoy during their reading time.  They should also bring plenty of reading material. All drinks should be decaffeinated and have a cap that can close.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

We had a fun filled afternoon some valentine learning and celebrating. We inferred word meanings in a story called Slugs in Love, and we practiced finding fractions, decimals, and percents of candy hearts in a box. Our day ended with a traditional valentine exchange.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Valentine's Day

On Thursday, February 14th, we will be celebrating Valentine’s Day at school.  Your child is welcome to bring in a decorated box or bag to hold his/her Valentines.  Unfortunately, we do not have time in our day to make these containers at school. If your child needs certain supplies (crayons, markers, etc) please let send a note, and I will help if I can.

We have talked about the importance of sharing valentines with EVERYONE.  The children do not have to bring valentines, but if they do choose to bring them, I would like them to bring one for each student, so no one feels left out.  Thank you for your cooperation with this. Class lists will be sent home in Friday, February 8.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Author's at Work

We are very close to writing our final copy of our personal narrative. We have worked very hard collecting ideas, telling the story with true and exact details, and zooming in on the heart of the story. Ask your child about his/her expereince with this writing project.


January Birthday Celebrations

We celebrated some full birthdays and some half birthday in January! Happy full or half birthday to our birthday princesses.