Hello Families,
Can you believe we only have 13 school days left? Next week we will
take the CSA (Comprehensive Strategy Assessment), and then we will be done with
our end of the year reading assessments. Next Wednesday we will be taking the
A-math assessment on the computer. We will also begin to reassess math topics.
If your child has not mastered his/her addition and subtraction facts please do
some extra practice at home. They need 45/50 facts to sums of 12 in 5 minutes. Thank
you! J
Important end of the year dates
(More will be added as they become available.)
Friday, May 23rd – last day to check out books at the school library
Monday, May 26 –
Memorial Day - No school
Tuesday, May 27 – All School Meeting and Panther Pride Picnic
Friday, May 30 – Field House Field Trip
Thursday, June 5 – Last day
of school
We have almost completed a short unit on graphing. Students have
learned how to read and create picture and bar graphs. They have also learned
how to make tally marks and turn a tally chart into a picture graph.
Reading Workshop
Great readers determine important information when they read. We
used important information in stories to identify the author’s message. Today
we learned how to read quotations to figure out which character is talking and
when the narrator switches to a character speaking.
Writer’s Workshop
I hope you enjoyed reading your child’s animal report. They
worked very hard and are so proud of their reports. J This week we learned
about power sentences. We know we can “fancy up” the verb and add adjectives to
make our sentences more interesting. Instead of, “The boy went up the stairs,”
we could say, “The boy sprinted up the stairs to his new puppy.”
This Week I Really Learned!
Our letters are getting better and better each week. We are getting
more written in our short writing time. Thank you for writing back to your
child each week. We love reading the letters during snack. J
Word Workshop
We continue learning about r controlled vowels. This week we
learned words with /air/. All of words were spelled with ear, are, or air. We
also talked a lot about the different of pear and pair and fair and fare.
We learned how to use “me” and “I”. “I” is used in the subject
of sentence and always listed last when talking about yourself with other people.
“Me” is used in the predicate of the sentence. For example, we say, “This is my
friend and me.” Not, “This is my friend and I.” The reason is you would not say,
“This is I,” so when deciding what to use think of how you would say the
sentence if you were only talking about yourself. J
Water Bottles
Please remember that water bottles may only contain water. If
you would like your child to drink something other than water at snack, please send a small amount (no
more than 6 ounces) of a beverage that does not contain sugar. I’ve asked the
students to bring their water bottles to school empty and fill them with water
in the morning. I’m hoping this will eliminate the bathroom “emergencies” we’ve
been having lately. Thank you very much for your help with this! J
Have a wonderful weekend!