Monday, May 19, 2014

Happy Birthday!!

Our last birthday celebration
of the year was for Chase!
 Happy birthday Chase!


Friday, May 16, 2014

Weekly Update

Hello Families,

Can you believe we only have 13 school days left? Next week we will take the CSA (Comprehensive Strategy Assessment), and then we will be done with our end of the year reading assessments. Next Wednesday we will be taking the A-math assessment on the computer. We will also begin to reassess math topics. If your child has not mastered his/her addition and subtraction facts please do some extra practice at home. They need 45/50 facts to sums of 12 in 5 minutes. Thank you! J


Important end of the year dates (More will be added as they become available.)

Friday, May 23rdlast day to check out books at the school library

Monday, May 26 – Memorial Day -  No school

Tuesday, May 27 – All School Meeting and Panther Pride Picnic

Friday, May 30 – Field House Field Trip

Thursday, June 5 – Last day of school



We have almost completed a short unit on graphing. Students have learned how to read and create picture and bar graphs. They have also learned how to make tally marks and turn a tally chart into a picture graph.


Reading Workshop

Great readers determine important information when they read. We used important information in stories to identify the author’s message. Today we learned how to read quotations to figure out which character is talking and when the narrator switches to a character speaking.


Writer’s Workshop

I hope you enjoyed reading your child’s animal report. They worked very hard and are so proud of their reports. J This week we learned about power sentences. We know we can “fancy up” the verb and add adjectives to make our sentences more interesting. Instead of, “The boy went up the stairs,” we could say, “The boy sprinted up the stairs to his new puppy.”


This Week I Really Learned!

Our letters are getting better and better each week. We are getting more written in our short writing time. Thank you for writing back to your child each week. We love reading the letters during snack. J


Word Workshop

We continue learning about r controlled vowels. This week we learned words with /air/. All of words were spelled with ear, are, or air. We also talked a lot about the different of pear and pair and fair and fare.



We learned how to use “me” and “I”. “I” is used in the subject of sentence and always listed last when talking about yourself with other people. “Me” is used in the predicate of the sentence. For example, we say, “This is my friend and me.” Not, “This is my friend and I.” The reason is you would not say, “This is I,” so when deciding what to use think of how you would say the sentence if you were only talking about yourself. J


Water Bottles

Please remember that water bottles may only contain water. If you would like your child to drink something other than water at snack, please send a small amount (no more than 6 ounces) of a beverage that does not contain sugar. I’ve asked the students to bring their water bottles to school empty and fill them with water in the morning. I’m hoping this will eliminate the bathroom “emergencies” we’ve been having lately. Thank you very much for your help with this! J

Have a wonderful weekend!




Friday, May 9, 2014

Weeky Update

Hello Families,

Everyone worked so hard on their Mother’s Day projects this week. They are very proud of their work and are so excited to share their gift with you. They might not be able to wait until Sunday! J Happy Mother’s Day!



Important end of the year dates (More will be added as they become available.)

Friday, May 23rdlast day to check out books at the school library

Friday, May 30 – Field House Field Trip



Math Workshop is going very well. If you have any feedback from your child or from your perspectives about Math Workshop I’d love to hear. J We started a new unit on graphing. We reviewed “how many more” and “how many fewer.” Then we learned about picture graphs and bar graphs. Be on the lookout for graphs and see if your child can identify the type of graph it is. Right now all of our graphs go up only in increments of 1.


Reading Workshop

Great readers determine important information when they read. This week we have been identifying what is important and not important in our lives. Next we identified what was important to Lilly, from “Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse.” Next week we will begin to identify important information in text and less important details.


Writer’s Workshop

Our research reports are completed! They all worked so hard on this project. I will try my best to get them graded and sent home next week. The grade on the project will be for the research part of the writing only. I will use the report and several other writing samples to assess capital letters, punctuation, neatness, and letter formation. All students were guided through the report at some level. The M, P. and D will be determined by how much additional help was needed to locate the write facts about their animal.


This Week I Really Learned!

Thank you for writing to your child each week. We really do enjoy hearing all of the letters written each week. I am only able to check some letters each week. If your child’s letter is not adequate you are more than welcome to have him/her re-write it at home and/or write a letter back to your child stating expectations for next time. J



Word Workshop

We continue learning about r controlled vowels. This week we learned words with /eer/. All of words were spelled with ear or eer. We also talked a lot about the different of deer and dear and that deer is singular and plural.



We learned about pronouns. Ask your child to say a sentence without using any pronouns. We did this with our morning messages and found out how important pronouns are. J


Water Bottles

Please remember that water bottles may only contain water. If you would like your child to drink something other than water at snack, please send a small amount (no more than 6 ounces) of a beverage that does not contain sugar. I’ve asked the students to bring their water bottles to school empty and fill them with water in the morning. I’m hoping this will eliminate the bathroom “emergencies” we’ve been having lately. Thank you very much for your help with this! J

Have a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend!




Friday, May 2, 2014

Weekly Update

Hello Families,

This update will get you caught up with what’s been going on the past two weeks. We had a fantastic day at the Minnesota Zoo last Friday. Thank you to all of our chaperones who came with us! We lucked out with the beautiful weather. If anyone has pictures,  feel free to email them to me, and I’ll post them on the blog. J


Math Workshop is going well, and we’ve all adjusted to the new routine. We finished out unit on money and also have finished a unit on time. We will be testing time on Monday. Children need to be able to tell digital and analog time to the hour and half hour. We also practiced reading schedules and using calendars.

Reading Workshop

Great readers make inferences when they read. We make inferences when author’s clues and our schema come together to figure out what the author hasn’t told us. We practiced inferring character traits. We dug deep in the Little Rabbit’s personality as well as her mom and dad’s personalities. This is great to practice when reading with you child at home. We will test on inferring Monday and begin our last unit on determining importance on Tuesday.

Writer’s Workshop

Our research reports are coming along nicely. Everyone is working so hard is so proud of their work. We should be finished with these reports this week.



This Week I Really Learned!

Thank you for writing to your child each week. We really do enjoy hearing all of the letters written each week. I am only able to check some letters each week. If your child’s letter is not adequate you are more than welcome to have him/her re-write it at home and/or write a letter back to your child stating expectations for next time. J

Word Workshop

We continue learning about r controlled vowels. Last week we learned the /er/ sound is spelled with ur, er, and ir. This week our sound was /or/ and we learned that can be spelled with or, ore, oor, or oar.


We learned about subjects and predicates. Students caught on quickly to subjects, but we’re having a little more trouble with predicate. I believe it’s the word “predicate” that is most confusing. If possible try to use this word when talking about sentences at home.



We are out of tissues. If you have an extra box you’d like to send, we’d be very thankful! Thank you for those that have already come in! J Also, thank you to all of the families who sharpen pencils for us! I can’t tell you how much it helps us out every day. J

Water Bottles

Please remember that water bottles may only contain water. If you would like your child to drink something other than water at snack, please send a small amount (no more than 6 ounces) of a beverage that does not contain sugar. I’ve asked the students to bring their water bottles to school empty and fill them with water in the morning. I’m hoping this will eliminate the bathroom “emergencies” we’ve been having lately. Thank you very much for your help with this! J

Have a wonderful weekend!