Friday, June 6, 2014

Last Day

More pictures to come of our last day of 1st grade. Please check back after June 18.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


If you have a favorite G rated DVD movie, please bring it tomorrow! One will be chosen to watch after year book signing!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Review of Symmetry

We reviewed symmetry by using pattern blocks to create a symmetrical design!


End of the Year Bags

We signed end of the year bags today! Every child in the class signed a bag for every child and then decorated the back of the bag! We had a great time doing this project!


Counting Money

We did a great job counting Miss Grimes's change in her change jar. All groups worked together well. The class came up with a total of $150.51. When taken to the bank the exact amount was $148.60! Not bad for a group count.