Friday, September 26, 2014

Weekly Update

Hello Families,

Our first grade friends are making good progress adjusting to more responsibility and independence. We had a fantastic day today, earning a Panther Pride card for following expectations at the school Pep Fest and earning another one for following expectations in art! These are two places that it takes lots of self-control and conscious decision making to do the right thing. They were very proud of themselves.
We will have our first Mystery Reader on Tuesday. The first clue is:
You see me everyday.
Our Hero Costumes



We spent the week preparing for math workshop which will begin on Monday. Students what group they are in and what their expectations are when not working with the Miss Grimes.Today we practiced what it will be like when groups are working with the teacher and others are working independently on seat work and hands on activities.  Expectations were followed perfectly. When meeting with Miss Grimes we learned the correct way to count. When counting we want to arrange objects in rows of 5; starting a new row at 6, 11, 16, etc. This will help students accurately and begin to recognize numbers in 5’s and 10’s.


Reading Workshop

Reading time was interrupted a few times this week by our a-reading assessment, hearing and vision screening, a fire drill, and our pep fest. We still were able to learn about why people read, and we started to write our rules for “turn and talk.” Book shopping and independent reading is going very well. They are excited to have classroom library day on their color day.


Writer’s Workshop

We are working really hard to come up with meaningful topics. Each child has created “heart lists” of people and places to write about. Next week we will finish topics with writing a “heart list” of things. We will then choose a topic and dabble with writing a story.


This Week I Really Learned!

We LOVE hearing the letters that are written to us! Each Friday students that have a letter written to them has the option of having it read out loud during snack. It’s a fun surprise for some to see who wrote to them. J


Word Workshop

We reviewed short vowels by sorting words accoriding to word family. We practiced writing our number on the back of each word BEFORE cutting them out. Then we learned how to cut our words with only one scrap, and finally we learned how to glue without making a mess. J



We know that capitalizing I is a non-negotiable in first grade. Please make sure your child always capitalizes I when it’s all by itself. We also need to capitalize the first letter of our first and last name.


Water Bottles

Please remember that water bottles may only contain water. If you would like your child to drink something other than water at snack, please send a small amount (no more than 6 ounces) of a beverage that does not contain sugar. I’ve asked the students to bring their water bottles to school empty and fill them with water in the morning. I’m hoping this will eliminate the bathroom “emergencies” we’ve been having lately. Thank you very much for your help with this! J



We are working on staying in class unless we really need to use the bathroom. Children need to use the bathroom each morning before coming to the classroom and after recess. We also take a bathroom break in the afternoon, and they may leave the class once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Right now they can go whenever they need to, but soon they will need to go during non-instruction times.



We went on a couple of leaf hunts and then sorted leaves according to color and size. We talked about we could have also sorted by the type of leaf. We talked about why the leaves dry up when they fall off of the tree. We finished up by doing a leaf rubbing project this afternoon.



Have a wonderful weekend!




Friday, September 19, 2014

Hello Families,

We’ve had another busy week in first grade! We’re going to slow down a bit next week and do some more review with the basics in word work and math. We want to make sure we have a solid foundation and routines and procedures are intact before we start our new units.



We completed Topic 1 (Numbers to 12). These assessments will be sent home next week. Students who have not mastered the concept will be reassessed before the end of the trimester. We will begin math workshop with unit 2. Next week will be spend reviewing the basics such as number formation, learning more math games, and setting up our math workshop procedures and expectations.


Reading Workshop

This week we learned how to treat books and our classroom library respectfully. We also received our book boxes, learned how to identify “good fit” books, and learned how to book shop in the classroom library. More benching marking will be done next week, and I hope to start small groups by the first week in October.


Writer’s Workshop

We’re having a little trouble getting started with writing. Children were to write a list of topics they can write about, and then start writing. We’re getting stuck because everybody wants every word spelled for them. During writer’s workshop each child will spell the word how it sounds. This will be frustrating for them, but they need to take these risks to become better writers and spellers.


This Week I Really Learned!

We LOVE hearing the letters that are written to us! Each Friday students that have a letter written to them has the option of having it read out loud during snack. It’s a fun surprise for some to see who wrote to them. J


Word Workshop

We have reviewed all short vowels and CVC words. Next week we will be writing word families, cutting and sorting words, and rhyming.



We know that capitalizing I is a non-negotiable in first grade. Please make sure your child always capitalizes I when it’s all by itself.


Water Bottles

Please remember that water bottles may only contain water. If you would like your child to drink something other than water at snack, please send a small amount (no more than 6 ounces) of a beverage that does not contain sugar. I’ve asked the students to bring their water bottles to school empty and fill them with water in the morning. I’m hoping this will eliminate the bathroom “emergencies” we’ve been having lately. Thank you very much for your help with this! J



We are working on staying in class unless we really need to use the bathroom. Children need to use the bathroom each morning before coming to the classroom and after recess. We also take a bathroom break in the afternoon, and they may leave the class once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Right now they can go whenever they need to, but soon they will need to go during non-instruction times.


Have a wonderful weekend!
***If you enjoy reading the blog and would like an email notifying you when there's a new post, please send me an email at from the email you would like it sent to with your child's name in the subject line.***




Friday, September 12, 2014

Weekly Update

Hello Families,

We have been so busy in first grade! Everyone is starting to adjust to the higher expectations and rigor that comes in this phenomenal year of school. The first few days of school many questions were, “Where are the toys?” “When is recess?” “When is lunch?” “When do we get to go home?” Now they are asking, “Can I go to the bathroom?” “When is math?” “When can I get books from the classroom library?”  
We had our first birthday last Friday! Owen turned 7!

 Our birthday friends wear birthday sunglasses!



We are almost finished with our first math topic! We are learning about numbers to twelve. First graders should be able to count to 12, recognize the numbers in words and digits. We learned number patterns that will help us recognize numbers quickly without counting; like when we use dice. If you haven’t sent your baggie of 20 pennies, please send it in as soon as you can. Thank you!


Reading Workshop

We are launching our reading workshop. Lessons include how to read books (read the pictures, read the words, and retell a story), the three parts of reading workshop, and expectations during independent reading. We are building our reading stamina and are up to five minutes!
Here we are practicing our independent reading.



Writer’s Workshop

We are learning about how to be good listeners and how to talk to a partner respectfully as we launch our writing workshop. Next week we will work on developing writing topic lists and our writer’s notebook.


This Week I Really Learned!

I hope you have enjoyed your first two letters from your child’s T.W.I.R.L. book. Please make sure the book is back in school by Friday so we can read all of the letters and write a new one. J

Word Workshop

We have review CVC words with all of the vowels. Please practice with the little books that habe been coming home each day. These books benefit struggling readers, on level readers, and excelling readers.



We know that capitalizing I is a non-negotiable in first grade. Please make sure your child always capitalizes I when it’s all by itself.


Water Bottles

Please remember that water bottles may only contain water. If you would like your child to drink something other than water at snack, please send a small amount (no more than 6 ounces) of a beverage that does not contain sugar. I’ve asked the students to bring their water bottles to school empty and fill them with water in the morning. I’m hoping this will eliminate the bathroom “emergencies” we’ve been having lately. Thank you very much for your help with this! J

Have a wonderful weekend!




Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Second Day

We had a fantastic day! It's so exciting to see the children picking up quickly on routines and procedures. Two very important things they should know and do without thinking are their classroom number and to push in their chair when they stand up. We are getting better! :-)

Highlights of today:

We learned about the calendar.
We reviewed how to use scissors.
We cut out our birthday graph piece.
We created a class birthday graph.
We learned a game called, "I Ate a Snake."
We had Art and Music.
We learned our Morning Meeting spots.
We reviewed recess expectations.
We read "A Quiet Place" and thought about our favorite place to calm down.
We practiced and discussed "Take a Break."
Our Class Birthday Graph
 Guided Discovery with Scissors

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The First Day

We are officially First Graders! The first day is done, and we're ready for day 2. Today was a little hectic with all of our short lessons on procedures and expectations in the lunch room, classroom, and the bus. Tomorrow we will review playground expectations. We had our first indoor recess today. We're hoping for sunshine tomorrow, so we can get outside and play. Even though we were busy running all over today we still did a lot!
Here are some of today's highlights:
  • We learned our classroom number.
  • We practiced pushing in our chair when we get up.
  • We reviewed the proper use of crayons.
  • We colored our birthday graph piece.
  • We heard "First Day Jitters."
  • We had "Jitter Juice.
  • We learned what jitters are.
  • We went to gym.
  • We went to library.
  • We took a class picture on the playground.
  • We learned snack procedures.
  • We learned breakfast procedures.
  • We learned what to do in the morning.
  • We read our first morning message.
This is Jitter Juice. It will help keep the first day jitters from coming back tomorrow.
 Here we are on the first day of school! What a cute bunch!