Hello Families,
Thank goodness for warmer temperatures! We were
finally able to get out for recess on Thursday and Friday this week. We’re
working hard at getting ready quickly for recess and at the end of the day.
Please help your child by practicing at home in this order: snow pants, boots,
jacket, scarf, hat, mittens. We keep scarves and hats inside of the jacket sleeve
and mittens in the baskets above the hooks.
We are working hard on our basic subtraction facts.
Fewer than by 0, 1, and 2 has been tricky for some. Please use “fewer than” in
your daily conversations at home if possible. For example, “I have 2 fewer
oranges than I need. I need 5. How many do I have?” Remind that fewer is that
same as less and it is the number taken away in a subtraction problem. We
learned how addition and subtraction is related and that knowing our addition
facts can help us figure out a subtraction problem quicker. This concept is
tricky for some also. You can practice this at home with actual objects like marbles,
candy, coins etc. We will have the assessment on Wednesday and begin a unit on
geometry when we return from winter break.
Reading Workshop
This week we learned how our schema helps us
understand non-fiction text. We know that good readers think about the schema
they have on a topic before reading, and they keep track of the new schema as
they read. Good readers also read over and over and over when reading about
something which they have no schema about. Good readers also realize then they
have misconceptions in their schema and they delete those files and replace
with the correct information.
Good Fit Books
Most children at this age have trouble identifying
good fit books independently. Please be sure your child is reading good fit
books at home. If they are hard to find the little books that come home every
few days are perfect! J
***Look for the following characteristics when
helping your child find a "just right" book: It is read not too fast,
but not too slow. He/she knows all or most of the words. The topic is age
Writer’s Workshop
Everybody should have turned in their first
draft of their personal narrative story. Each student worked with me on the beginning
of their story. As they dictated I wrote the first part for them. They then
needed to copy that and add the middle and ending independently. These will be
edited and final copies will be written sometime in January. We’ve come a long
was as writers! J
This Week I Really Learned!
I hope you’re enjoying your child’s T.W.I.R.L.
journals. We love reading your letters each week. Students are more motivated to write when
they know they will receive a letter back. Even a short letter is better than
no letter at all. Thank you for taking the time to write each week. J
Word Workshop
We worked on 3-letter beginning blends this
week. Help your child notice words that use 3-letter blends like street,
stripe, squint, scrap, skip.
We learned that days of the week, months of the
year, and holidays are all capitalized all of the time. Encourage your child to
transfer this information into any writing they do.
Special Events
Next week we will enjoy some festive activities.
Wednesday we will make a special project that your child will bring home to you
on Friday. Thursday is our snowflake making morning. Thank you for to everyone
who is able to join us. I will send a letter home with the exact time and information
early next week. Friday is our Polar Express day. Your child is welcome to come
to school in jammies and we’ll enjoy hot chocolate while we watch the movie. J
Enjoy your weekend!
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