Hello Families,
February is off to a good start, and we have so many
fun activities coming up with Winter Fest, Winter Olympics activities, the 100th
Day of School, and Valentine’s Day. Please check your February calendar for all
a schedule of all of our special events. Please see the letters that were sent
home about Valentine’s Day and the 100th Day of School for special information
about those fun days! J I’ll include them on the blog as well.
We are working with numbers 11-20. We are
practicing finding 1 and 2 more and less of numbers 11-20. Please practice this
language at home too. J
Reading Workshop
GREAT readers ask questions about non-fiction
text too! We will look deep into the difference of questioning when reading
fiction and non-fiction. We are still working on asking questions using who,
what, when, where, why, and how. Challenge your child to begin questions with
these words at home too! J
Writer’s Workshop
Our opinion paragraphs have been finished and
laminated. We are so proud of our work. They will be on display for conferences.
We can’t wait for you to read them.
This Week I Really Learned!
Thank you for writing to your child each week.
We love hearing the letter during snack break. We are working hard to write
more of the letter on our own.
Word Workshop
Yay for long vowels! We learned another way long
vowels can be spelled. We can spell them as open vowels like in the words me,
he, she, buffalo, hello. Watch for words with open vowels and see if your child
can tell you why the word says the long sound.
We practiced using was and were correctly this week.
Enjoy your weekend!
Valentine’s Day party is going to be on Friday,
February 14th. Your student
may choose to bring a valentine for his/her classmates. If your student chooses
to bring valentines for the class he/she MUST bring one for every student in
the class. I have attached a class
list. Thank you so much for your
Thursday, February 13th
is our 100th day of school.
Can you believe it? For one of
our activities we will need each child to bring in 100 of something. It should
be small enough to fit into a baggie or small container and sturdy enough to be
counted over and over. Your child should bring the items on Wednesday,
February12th. Be as creative
as you would like. The following is a list of possible ideas if you’re stuck.
Cereal Rubber Bands
Chocolate Chips Band
Ritz Bits M&M’s
Paper Clips Buttons
Marshmallows Gummi Bears
If your child has any difficulty
counting to 100 by 2’s or 5’s you could group the items by 2’s and 5’s to
practice in a fun new way.
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