Hello Families,
Spring WAS in the air! I really hope today was
out last weather related school delay! The kids have done a FANTASTIC job with
our new breakfast program. The clean-up part is still taking a little extra
time, but overall it’s gone really well. I’m very proud of how quickly they
adjusted to the new routine.
Math Workshop and our money unit are up and
running. The children LOVE math workshop. The shorter whole group lesson and
additional small group lesson has helped with boredom and off task behavior. We
are still working out a few tweaks, but overall it’s going well. Keep
practicing with money at home. Be sure your child can name dimes, nickels, and
pennies, and the value of each. They should practice counting half dollars, quarters,
dimes, nickels, then pennies. We finished the last lesson today and will review
on Monday. Our Topic assessment will be on Tuesday. Time and measurement are
our next 2 units.
Reading Workshop
Great readers make inferences when they read. We
make inferences when author’s clues and our schema come together to figure out
what the author hasn’t told us. We practiced inferring how characters feel
based on what they say and what they do. Ask your child about Little Rabbit’s
Loose Tooth. We are also working on digging deeper into feelings than just
happy or sad. We’ve worked on: proud, nervous, and unsure so far.
Writer’s Workshop
Our research reports are underway. We have
researched all parts for our reports. Your child has found out what his/her
animal eat, where it lives, and what it looks like. Each child is also looking for
three interesting facts to include in the report. We will start final copies
next week!
This Week I Really Learned!
Thank you for writing to your child each week. We
really do enjoy hearing all of the letters written each week. I am only able to
check some letters each week. If your child’s letter is not adequate you are
more than welcome to have him/her re-write it at home and/or write a letter
back to your child stating expectations for next time. J
Word Workshop
We began learning about r-controlled vowels this
week. An r after a vowel changes the sound of a vowel. It is not long or short;
it’s completely different. We worked with ar words this week: star, car, park,
smart etc.
We learned about antonyms and synonyms. Please
try to use these words when talking about opposites and words that mean the
same at home. Developing your child’s academic vocabulary will significantly
enhance his/her learning.
We are out of tissues. If you have an extra box
you’d like to send, we’d be very thankful! Thank you for those that have
already come in! J Also, thank you to all of the families who sharpen pencils for
us! I can’t tell you how much it helps us out every day. J
Water Bottles
Please remember that water bottles may only
contain water. If you would like your child to drink something other than water
at snack, please send a small amount
(no more than 6 ounces) of a beverage that does not contain sugar. I’ve asked
the students to bring their water bottles to school empty and fill them with
water in the morning. I’m hoping this will eliminate the bathroom “emergencies”
we’ve been having lately. Thank you very much for your help with this! J
Have a wonderful Easter weekend!
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