Hello Families,
We had a great week in first grade! We had our first Mystery Reader
on Tuesday, and we celebrated Gael’s birthday on Friday. I’m looking forward to
another week of learning next week!
The Birthday Boy
Mrs. Fleischacker
Our September Mystery Reader!
Math workshop is officially underway. We completed a short unit
on comparing and ordering numbers to 12. Our topic assessment will be on
Monday. Your child should be using our new vocabulary: greater than, less than,
least, fewer, most, more, between.
Reading Workshop
Our launching unit is complete and we have started our first
reading unit. The reading strategy we will be working on is asking questions.
The reading skill we will be working on is find the main idea and supporting
details in non-fiction text.
Writer’s Workshop
Students dabbled with writing their first story this week. We
are working hard at taking risks in our writing. First graders are NOT expected
to spell most words correctly. We encourage them to “Write what they hear.”
Please encourage your child to attempt spelling on their own at home too.
Speaking clearly and requiring your child to speak clearly will help when
trying to spell.
This Week I Really Learned!
We LOVE hearing the letters that are written to us! Each Friday
students that have a letter written to them has the option of having it read
out loud during snack. It’s a fun surprise for some to see who wrote to them. J
Word Workshop
Your child is now reading and spelling 4 letter words with l blends.
Many of the children are having trouble hearing and saying the l blend in words
like flag, blot, and sled. Practice segmenting these words by asking your child
to say each sound then say the words in 2 parts, and then say the whole word.
Example: flag /f/ /l/
/a/ /g/ /fl/ /ag/
flag If they can do this they
should be able to spell the word correctly as well.
We know that capitalizing I is a non-negotiable in first grade.
Please make sure your child always capitalizes I when it’s all by itself. We
also need to capitalize the first letter of our first and last name. We now
that a comma comes after a greeting and the closing in a letter. Look for the
commas when reading your child’s T.W.I.R.L. letter each week.
Water Bottles
Please remember that water bottles may only contain water. If
you would like your child to drink something other than water at snack, please send a small amount (no
more than 6 ounces) of a beverage that does not contain sugar. I’ve asked the
students to bring their water bottles to school empty and fill them with water
in the morning. I’m hoping this will eliminate the bathroom “emergencies” we’ve
been having lately. Thank you very much for your help with this! J
We are working on staying in class unless we really need to use
the bathroom. Children need to use the bathroom each morning before coming to
the classroom and after recess. We also take a bathroom break in the afternoon,
and they may leave the class once in the morning and once in the afternoon.
Right now they can go whenever they need to, but soon they will need to go
during non-instruction times.
We celebrate birthdays during our snack time from 9:20 – 9:35.
Please let me know the day before by email, voice mail, or a note if you’re
planning on sending a birthday treat. Our 15 minute snack time includes passing
out the treat and eating it, so the simpler the better. Please limit birthday
treats to food only. Many children already have milk or juice and others have
water bottles. Thank you!
Have a wonderful weekend!
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