Hello Families,
We had a very productive short week. Enjoy the
extra family time over the long weekend! I’m looking forward to seeing you at
your child’s upcoming conference. Please call or email if you need a
confirmation of your time. J
Our class tied Mrs. Grams’s class for the most
Panther Pride class cards in First Grade! Both classes earned 9 cards for
following school expectations! Way to go! J
Our focus is ADDING. We are currently working on
sums of 10 and missing addends to make 10. We will finish the topic on Wednesday
and take the topic test on Thursday. Topic 3 tests will be shared at
Soon we will be staring timed basic fact tests
to sums of 12. You are welcome to start with adding 0 and 1 at home if you
wish! J
Reading Workshop
We have officially launched our Reading Workshop
and have begun our first unit on retelling with a Fairy Tale theme. So far your
child has learned how to do a 5-finger retell and several characteristics of
Fairy Tales.
Good Fit Books
Most children at this age have trouble
identifying good fit books independently. Please be sure your child is reading
good fit books at home. If they are hard to find the little books that come
home every few days are perfect! J
***Look for the following characteristics when
helping your child find a "just right" book: It is read not too fast,
but not too slow. He/she knows all or most of the words. The topic is age
Word Workshop
We reviewed short vowels and will begin our
first unit next week. The first unit focuses on l blends. Be on the lookout for
words with l blends and see if your child can identify them. Examples: flag,
glad, slip…
This Week I Really Learned!
This week we brainstormed what we learned in a
T.W.I.R.L. web. Each student was required to write two sentences that started
with “I learned ______________. Students could take ideas from our web or
finish the sentence on their own. From now on the line leader of the week will
be taking our class T.W.I.R.L. chart home. J Thank you for taking time to write
to your child. Please try to write back to your child whenever possible. They
love hearing your letters during snack time.
Social Studies
We are wrapping up our mini unit on communities.
See if your child can tell you all of the communities that he/she is part of
starting with Earth and ending with the city your family lives in.
Practice Packets
The blue practice packet is due on Monday, and the
yellow packet that was sent home today will be due the following Monday, due to
no school this Friday.
Message from the Custodial Staff:
With the weather beginning to change in the next
couple of days, dipping to a high of 52* by Sunday, I urge all of you to dress
for the weather. This may mean layers as
the temperature in the buildings will not be that of the outdoor air.
As in years past, the boilers are not
functioning at this time as we are making necessary repairs and code
requirements so they remain in safe operating condition.
Keep an eye on the weather and temperatures and
please dress accordingly.
Enjoy your weekend!
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